How Far does 'Winter's Bone' rely upon an understanding of its social context? Refer in detail to at least one sequence of film. In Winters Bone, This sequence opens up with a two person mid-shot, showing Ree and Tear drop. This shot shows that both characters have some connection, with Tear drop driving emphasises the idea of a patriarchal society as he has the power of where they are going. As this is an independent film, they tend to have longer takes and this fits the trend as it doesn't cut until 13 seconds into the sequence. They also have used only natural lighting to increase the idea of a naturalistic theme. I believe this harms the film as i absorbed everything from this shot within the first five seconds so the delaying of the cut gradually bored me as a viewer. The next few shots are close-up shot reverse shots going back from Ree and Teardrop. Tear Drop is a complex character that i have found an allegiance with how he carries himself, he is a very i...